Can I Power Firestick/ Chromecast/ Kodi Smart TV Stick off TV USB?
Most smart TV sticks that allow non-Smart TV’s to become Smart or allow you to watch/ stream extra content online come with a power supply to connect it into a mains electrical socket. Most of these however come with a mini USB connection one end and standard USB connection the other. You may be wondering if it is possible to power the Smart TV stick off of the TV itself, which can be really helpful if you have your TV already mounted on the wall and no extra electrical outlets near the TV.
If you want to connect a Smart TV stick like an Amazon Firestick, Chromecast, Now TV, Kodi stick etc to your TV and wanted to know whether the stick can be powered off of one of the USB ports on the TV read on for the information that your require.
Yes Amazon Firetsick/ Google Chromecast Can Be Powered Off TV
Most Smart TV Sticks can be powered directly off of the TV provided that you have a Smart TV stick that the stick itself and the TV have USB connections on them (most new flat-screen TV’s have a few). Usually it’s just a case of connecting a USB lead with appropriate connectors on either end to the TV and stick and you’re ready to go. This will work for Kodi Sticks, Now TV sticks, Roku as well as Google Chromecast and Amazon Firesticks.
To connect simply install the USB lead between the device and the TV, if the TV is wall mounted you can usually hide the TV device behind the TV itself as most of these are Bluetooth compatible meaning that they do not require line of sight. Switch over to HDMI input that you have connected to stick into the TV and connect it your WIFI, assuming you have a half decent WIFI signal this will be all you need to do. Apart from watch it of course!
If It Doesn't Work
If it doesn't work fear not, there are a few things you can try as it be something simple.
Check Power Requirements
If you have any problems with the device not powering up I advise that you first ensure that the connectors are firmly in place, if this doesn’t work I advise checking the power requirements on the Smart TV stick itself and the power delivered by the TV USB. You will need to make sure that the device itself and the USB use the same voltage and a similar amperage. Most USB ports provide 5V, sometimes more but the most important thing to check would be the amps as to have too few would mean that the Firestick/ Chromecast etc would not receive enough power to switch on.
To find the power requirements of the Smart TV stick you can usually find these on the power supply (the one that you will not be using if powering off the TV) or if they can’t be found you can usually find these on the manufacturer literature supplied with the stick itself or online. I have included direct links to most popular Smart TV stick manufactures below.
To find the power supplied by the TV USB itself it usually displays this next to the USB port on the TV itself or in the manufacturer literature. You may find that TV’s will multiple inputs will provide different power through some of the USB ports. There is usually a way to differentiate between these on the rear of the TV. Once all connected switch to the HDMI input that the Smart TV Stick is connected to and away you go.
Check Leads Are Inserted Properly
It is possible that the Smart TV stick is not working because the leads are not fully inserted, with them a firm push in the right direction to make sure that they are in place correctly. Don't be too heavy-handed though as you do not want to break the thing or your TV. If you Smart TV will not fit into a HDMI input on the TV because the TV is installed close to the wall. You may need to install a right-angled HDMI adapter or separate HDMI cable link lead for this to be able to fit. Often these are supplied with the equipment.
Make Sure You're On Right TV Source
Most TV's have multiple HDMI inputs and these are accessed individually on your TV with your TV remote control. These are usually HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3 etc and you need to make sure that you are on the correct one otherwise your TV may say no signal.
Smart TV Stick Questions, Please Ask
If you have any questions, please POST THEM IN THE BLOG COMMENTS SECTION BELOW. This should be a very straightforward simple task but you could run into problems with the power requirements on the Smart TV stick itself. I for instance had one not working in the past to find the one of the USB ports supplied 500mA and the device required 1A. Fortunately another one of the USB ports on the rear of the TV provided 900mA will although not as much as it said it needed, it worked fine. You could also have a faulty USB cable which could prevent the device from working, replacement leads can be purchased inmost supermarkets for a few pounds which you may want to try.
I kindly ask that you DO NOT CALL OUR TELEPHONES with your questions, we are a small business that operates in the South East of England only, we do not have the staff or facilities to offer free technical advice/support. Please also DO NOT E-MAIL YOUR QUESTIONS OR FILL IN THE WEBSITE CONTACT FORMS as these are intended for customers only. I confess that these go to the bottom of the pile in terms of importance with all of our day to day business activities. It is most likely that you will not receive a response if you send your questions this way or you will receive one asking you to post your question directly into the blog.
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